After such a profound experience at the age of sixteen, I thought I knew. So, I was completely taken by surprise when over the past few months I feel like that confidence I had so many years ago vanished, seemingly overnight. Plunged into a darkness I did not and could not anticipate. I went from wondering what heaven was like and very cautiously trying to learn more, to feeling like it's all in our heads. Does God even exist? Or is it just some fantasy humans concocted to help us feel better and cope with death and the confusing world we live in?
So many others talk about the countless overwhelming experiences of peace and comfort after the loss of a loved one. But I have not been so blessed and fortunate. Instead I've been given silence and darkness... and can't help but wonder... What have I done to deserve this? I try to grasp onto any moments where I've felt that peace, but they feel like sand slipping through my fingers.
When I came across this quote from C.S. Lewis it described precisely how I felt. While I wish no one had to experience the pain of losing a spouse or loved one, there is some comfort in knowing I'm not alone. That someone who is clearly much older, experienced and wiser than I was plunged into a similar darkness after losing his wife of four years. The quote comes from the book Grief Observed, one day I'll read it and find out more of his journey.
So that was a couple months ago... how are things now? I don't know. It's been a struggle to acknowledge and put into words how I've been feeling. Plus I've just been trying to survive, so I have tried to not to think about it too much. Not always successfully. I still feel lost in the darkness, but it's not quite the same as it was in June. My prayers still feel unanswered and I often wonder just who is in charge of chaos that is my thoughts.
Unfortunately July was also a difficult month for my parents. My Dad was hospitalized with internal bleeding and needed five units of blood. He's lucky to be alive, although recovery is a slow and frustrating process. My mom said "Sometimes it's so hard to understand why this test has to be so hard." I agree, it often feels so impossibly hard.
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